About Launched
At Launched, we are reshaping the future of sales and marketing with cutting-edge AI innovation. Combining advanced artificial intelligence with over six decades of collective expertise, we enable businesses to unlock new levels of sales pipeline growth, lead generation, and marketing automation.
We are Launched
Companies using our platform
Years of marketing and sales experience
The AI Revolution in Sales and Marketing
Do more with less!
In today’s hyper-competitive landscape, traditional strategies are falling short. That’s why Launched is leading the charge in the MarTech industry, providing AI-driven solutions that empower teams to work smarter and achieve more with less effort.
At the core of our platform is Nova, the industry’s most advanced AI sales assistant and marketing game-changer. Nova doesn’t just automate—she transforms. From prospecting to personalised outreach and campaign optimisation, Nova ensures every lead is nurtured, every opportunity is maximised, and every customer interaction feels deeply personal. Powered by intent data analysis and predictive insights, Nova redefines how businesses engage and convert.
Human-Like Training: Nova is trained like a human team member. She learns your company’s unique voice, brand guidelines, and products, ensuring she represents your business authentically. With training on sales transcripts and real-world scenarios, Nova delivers responses that feel personal, professional, and human.
Intelligent Multi-Channel Outreach: Nova doesn’t stop at email. She seamlessly engages prospects across multiple channels—from LinkedIn and phone calls to tailored email campaigns—ensuring every touchpoint is cohesive and impactful.
2. Hyper-Responsive Interactions: Nova’s ability to craft dynamic replies means prospects receive timely, relevant responses that drive engagement. By analysing context and past interactions, Nova ensures conversations progress naturally, building stronger connections.
3. Effortless Integration: Nova integrates with your existing tech stack, including tools like HubSpot and Salesforce, to create a unified workflow. Whether automating tasks or syncing data, Nova works harmoniously within your ecosystem.